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The Theory of Plane Area at the Crossroads. Philosophical, Historical, and Logical Perspectives, (with Haeusler, H. & Lassalle-Casanave, A.). Springer Book Series: Epistemology, Logic, and the Unity of Science. Forthcoming.


David Hilbert y los fundamentos de la geometría (1891-1905) [David Hilbert and the Foundations of Geometry (1891-1905)], College Publications, Londres, 2015. pp. 335. (zbMATH) (US Amazon)  (Preprint)

JOURNAL PAPERS (selection)

(2022) From Geometry to Magnitudes and Back: De Zolt's Postulate, (with Abel Lassalle-Casanave), Theoria. The International Swedish Philosophy Journal  (Stockholm). Early View. (Open access)


(2021). David Hilbert and the Foundations of the Theory of Plane Area. Archive for the History of Exact Sciences, (Berlin). Online First. (Open access)


(2021). What are implicit definitions?, (with G. Schiemer), Erkenntnis,  (Munich), 86: 1661–1691. Published online: November 2019. (Open access)


(2019). De Zolt’s Postulate: An Abstract Approach (with E. Haeusler, A. Lassalle Casanave and P. Veloso). The Review of Symbolic Logic, (Cambridge). First view. (Journal link


(2019). On Comparison, Equivalence and Addition of Magnitudes, (with A. Lassalle Casanave and P. Veloso), Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology, (Florianópolis), 23 (2): 53-173. (Journal link)


(2016). Bridging the Gap between Synthetic and Analytic Geometry. Synthese, (Berlin), vol. 193 (1): 31-70. (Journal link)


(2017). From Euclidean to Hilbertean practice: the theories of plane areas [in Spanish]  (with A. Lassalle Casanave y P. Veloso). Revista Portuguesa de Filosofía, (Lisboa), 73 (3-4): 1263-1294. (Journal link) (Preprint)


(2017). Hilbert’s challenge in the theory of polygonal magnitudes [in Spanish]. Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, (Buenos Aires), 43: 207-235. (PDF)  (Journal link).


(2015). Arithmetizing Geometry from within: Hilbert’s Segment Arithmetics [in Spanish], Scientiae Studia, (Sao Pablo), vol. 13: 1, pp. 11–48. (PDF) (Journal link


(2015). A dark spot in the sun of Euclid: Hilbert and the Euclidean theory of proportion [in Spanish]. Tópicos, vol. 30:2, pp. 19-39. (PDF) (Journal link)


(2014). Geometry, formalism, and intuition: David Hilbert and the formal axiomatic method [in Spanish]. Revista de filosofía, (Madrid), vol. 39:2, pp. 121–146. (Journal link)


(2013). Completeness and Continuity in Hilbert's Foundations of Geometry: on the Vollständigkeitsaxiom [in Spanish]. Theoria, (Madrid), (2013), 28: 76, pp. 139--163. (Journal link) (zbMATH)


(2012). A picture of geometrical reality: Hilbert's axiomatic conception of geometry under the light of Heinrich Hertz's Bildtheorie [in Spanish]. Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía}, (México), 44, pp. 27--53. (Journal link)


(2011). Intuition and axiomatic method in Hilbert's early view on geometry) [in Spanish]. Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, (Buenos Aires), (2011), 37:1, pp. 35--65. (PDF)





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